2730 A.D., planet Destiny
Wide and smooth, the Road was seared into planet Destiny's rocky surface by the fusion drive of the powered landing craft, Cavorite. The Cavorite deserted the original interstellar colonists, stranding them without hope of contacting Earth.
Now, descendants of those pioneers have many questions about the Road, but no settler who has gone down it has ever returned. For Jemmy Bloocher, a young farm boy, the questions burn too hot - and he sets out to uncover the many mysteries of Destiny's Road.
"Jemmy is a believable and sympathetic character, the pacing is flawless, the science is rock-solid, and my disbelief was so suspended it could have been on Neptune." - The San Diego Union-Tribune
"Niven has always been good at giving his worlds texture, but the high-tech high-jinks of Known Space tend to obscure that part of his art. Here, with the space operatics turned way down, the hear that, by god, the man really can sing." - Locus